Ministering to Holy Family and St. Joseph Catholic Parishes and St. Joseph's Catholic School

The Parishes of Holy Family & Saint Joseph welcome you to the Star of the North Faith Community!

If you are interested in information on any of the programs,

  • Faith Formation 
  • Sacramental Preparation - Confirmation & First Eucharist - children
  • Marriage Prep  - first contact - 6 months before date of wedding
  • O.C.I.A. - Order of Christian Initiation of Adults  - learning about and becoming part of the Body of Christ, the Church

please contact Joanie Denemy, email:, cell/text: 989 701 5590, office phone: 989 345-0064, EXT 304.

To schedule an appointment to meet with Father to have your child baptized and participate in the Baptismal preparation program, please call the office.





For information on the Diocese of Gaylord Child Protection efforts:


Star of the North Catholic Community

Office Hours

Monday: 10 AM - 12 Noon
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10 AM - 2 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 12 Noon

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4 - 4:45 PM - St. Joseph
or by appointment


Mass Times

Tuesday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph
Wednesday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph
Thursday - 9:30 AM - Holy Family*'
(*1st full week of the Month - at the Rose City Villa at 10:30 AM; 3rd week of the month at 11:30AM at Holy Family)
Friday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph

Saturday - 5 PM - St. Joseph
Sunday - 8 AM - St. Joseph
Sunday - 10 AM - Holy Family
Sunday - 12 PM - St. Joseph