Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10 AM - 2 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 12 Noon
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 4 - 4:45 PM - St. Joseph
or by appointment
- Father Al Pillarelli, Pastor
- Amber Bonnell, Cluster Secretary - Holy Family & St. Joseph
- Maria Balser, Business Manager
- Joan Denemy, Coordinator: Homebound Eucharistic Ministry, RCIA - Faith Formation/Sacramental Prep/Marriage Prep/Liturgy
- Sara Andres, Catechist
- Sara Eden, Music Director
- Helen Bragg, Prayer Line Ministry
Mass Times
Tuesday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph
Wednesday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph
Thursday - 9:30 AM - Holy Family*'
(*1st full week of the Month - at the Rose City Villa at 10:30 AM; 3rd week of the month at 11:30AM at Holy Family)
Friday - 9:30 AM - St. Joseph
Saturday - 5 PM - St. Joseph
Sunday - 8 AM - St. Joseph
Sunday - 10 AM - Holy Family
Sunday - 12 PM - St. Joseph